The Quad P Technique Formula Explained: 
What is it, and how can it benefit your business?

E = mc2 

Mathematically, E = mc2 is defined as the energy (E) of a particle in its "rest" frame, being the product of mass (m) and the speed of light squared (c2).

When you introduce a P to this formula, the P symbolizes the momentum of the object in question.

What does this mean for business?

In the initial stages of starting a business, your company is at rest. The objective is to incorporate several P's to align with your business goals.
What is the definition of Quad?

According to Webster's Dictionary, the Definition of a "Quad" is Something having (4) four identifiable or prominent parts or members. 

What do the 4 P's stand for in the Quad P Formula? 
And what is the hidden P?

(1) Person (2) - Passion (3) - Purpose (4) - Paradise 
The hidden P - (5) Philanthropist 

"If you are a person with a passion and you are driven by a purpose you can and will find paradise." ~ Eric Ahmad

So how do you know when you have solved the formula in your business?

You will discover that you have found the hidden P which stands for philanthropy: 
when you are able to give back to your community in a way that doesn't take away from your business.

How does this work or look in real life?

There are four Pillars to make this work for you in your business. These pillars includes:





Pillar #1 
The first step in the process involves organizing your products or services.

Pillar #2 
Secondly, positioning your business for success is crucial. Positioning plays a key role.

Pillar #3 
Without promoting your business, it is either dead or dying. Promotion is a necessity.

Pillar #4 
The ultimate goal in business is to create value for your customer and receive a profit in return.

After you have successfully established the four pillars, congratulations! Your business can now be in a position to run on automation. There are tools available to help the average person leverage the Quad P formula. The internet, in particular, is a game-changer. This ancient formula has been around for ages, and it will continue to assist people like us in gaining an advantage in business. Let's use this technique to break free from the Matrix of life and business, allowing our families to liberate themselves from financial slavery. Confused? Click the button below.

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